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Narrative essay about the happiest day of my life

Narrative essay about the happiest day of my life

narrative essay about the happiest day of my life

The Happiest Moment in My life People always say that it is the happiest moment of my life, and I will remember it forever. I thought the opposite until I lived the moment and I knew yes this is it. This is the happiest moment in my life. The day that my life changed, and made me happy is the 5th of December at a beach resort in my hometown Answer:Explanation:happiest day of my life short essay social change research paper. i can pinpoint that as the single happiest moment of my life, because i rea siaweleah21 siaweleah21 03/08/ English Middle School Short narrative essay on the happiest day of my life 1 See answer Narrative Essay On The Happiest Day Of My Life Of Words. Hukum mencuriDi dalam Islam, hukum mencuri ditegaskan di dalam Al-Quran: 'Laki-laki yang mencuri dan peempuan yang mencuri, potonglah kedua tangannya (sebagai Students are asked to copy these narrative essay

Narrative Essay On Happiest Day Of My Life Free Essays

We remember the days that bring the greatest happiness to us, we try to forget the days of our sorrows. The happiest day of my life was when I got a new bicycle. My father presented me the bicycle when I passed the Matriculation examination more than a year ago.

I remember how one evening my father brought me the bicycle silently from a shop. He gave it to me with words of love.

I went on making plans through the night how I would use it the next day. The next day was really one of great joy for me. In the morning, I went to my college on my new bicycle. My friends liked it much. I was one of the few students who had a new green bicycle. I went on thinking about my new bicycle as I sat in the classrooms. I tried to attend to the lectures, but could not. In the afternoon, I cycled home with great pleasure.

In the evening, I started with some of my friends for the river. As we cycled along the long and smooth road, we felt very happy. We sang songs of joy and laughed and joked. I felt that riding a bicycle on a cool summer evening is more pleasant than riding a motorcycle or driving a car. We all sat for some time under the cool, shady trees near the river.

We ran after each other to some distance. Then we thought of going to other friends. My friends and I returned from the river as the moon and the stars started smiling in the sky. On the way, we went to the houses of four other friends one after another. Each liked my bicycle and congratulated narrative essay about the happiest day of my life. It was rather late at night when I returned home.

I was feeling much too tired. But I was also feeling very happy and satisfied after so much of cycling. Thus I passed the happiest day of my narrative essay about the happiest day of my life. I feel I can never be as happy as I was on that day. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address.

Now happiness lives in my ideas As earlier it lived in my feelings; Associated it is with stillness, seriousness connected as it was with movement, jubilation. Life is a conscious contact with our surroundings. The more conscious we are, the more alive. The great writer Dr. Johnson says:. Such being the nature of life on this blighted planet earthhappiness is a rare experience.

Some days are dark; some, murky and a few are bright. Life is full of sufferings, pains, and tragedies. Wise persons bravely face life narrative essay about the happiest day of my life do not run away from it.

The pious put their hopes in God and keep their powder dry. Everyone has a routine in life. Social gatherings, outing, parties, sports and picnics bring change and provide fun and enjoyments. So on a holiday we made a programme for families combined picnic at Howksbay. There were about forty members including children. We hired a bus, narrative essay about the happiest day of my life, kept food and water on the bus, and started for the Point.

We also purchased some fruits on the way. At about ten we reached Howksbay, and hired a hut. Soon the seashore buzzed with noises.

The young people enjoyed bathing, the children waded in water and made sand-houses. The old surveyed the fun and cautioned the youths. After great fun, amusements and hullagulla, there were calls for food and drinks. The young had their grub in dripping clothes and half-pants. The seniors supervised the scene and the ladies played the host.

After eating some desserts, the children and elders retired for nap. Some children and youths played games on the shore and some plunged in water. Misfortunes always come unaware. Indeed, tide and time wait for none. They were caught up in a high wave and drowring. The elders were awakened from sleep and dashed to the shore. There was great hue and cry. The women and children were weeping and wailing.

One of the drowning cousin was saved by a brave nearby English gentleman. The other was tossed by the waves. Nobody dared to take the risk and rescue the victim. Youth is hot and age is cold. The, old uncle Shams, once a champion swimmer, plunged into the angry sea, reached the drowning man and dragged him out after great struggle Jimmy was unconscious rather beyond hopes. Uncle Shams gave quick first-aid to the Jimmy.

Weeping and crying drowned the funs. A large number of people had gathered around the hut. A naval team arrived at the spot, took charge of the situation and took Jimmy into the nearby Centre. There was a struggle between life and death, narrative essay about the happiest day of my life. Mirth and marrying making changed into moaning.

The day was dark and dreary. Anyhow he revived after some hot drink. Our Joy knew no bounds. And it was the happiest day in my life. We prostrated and thanked Allah for His mercy. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription, narrative essay about the happiest day of my life. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing. Your email address will not be published.

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Essay on The Happiest day of my life/ The Happiest day of my life

, time: 13:03

Happiest Day Of My Life Essay In English • English Summary

narrative essay about the happiest day of my life

Narrative Essay On The Happiest Day Of My Life Of Words. Hukum mencuriDi dalam Islam, hukum mencuri ditegaskan di dalam Al-Quran: 'Laki-laki yang mencuri dan peempuan yang mencuri, potonglah kedua tangannya (sebagai Students are asked to copy these narrative essay The happiest day of my life was when I helped a poor family to get out of their trouble. Poor man had ruined his family life due to his habit of taking liquor. He was not going to his job from past one month. He had wasted his entire savings on liquor. His wife and children were not having money for food. They were starving to death 1/15/ · The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person’s life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person’s heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers

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