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Business literature review example pdf

Business literature review example pdf

business literature review example pdf

4/23/ · HOW TO WRITE A LITERATURE REVIEW. Will G Hopkins PhD. Division of Physiology and College of Bodily Schooling, College of Otago, Dunedin , New Zealand. 1. Introduction. To not be confused with a e book evaluate, a literature evaluate surveys scholarly articles, books and different sources (e.g. dissertations, convention Example of literature critiques from Helen [ ] The review of the literature reveals that there is still plenty of room for exploration on the topic of business ethics and particularly with the topic of ethical leadership. It is recommended that more focus be placed on understanding the influence of strong ethical leadership within an organization and how this influence flows down the This Research Literature Review Example will give take you to some of the best reviews and inspire you to write one of your own. Literature Review Examples. Are you a researcher or just a student who is up for a college project? Then this Literature Review Examples may help you to

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A review of the current literature regarding business ethics was conducted analyzing scholarly peer-reviewed articles about business ethics and their relation to leadership, managerial decision making, corporate social responsibility and overall corporate structure. Increased corporate scandals and the discovery of a rise in unethical business practices have thrown the topic of business ethics into the spotlight.

Organizations are expected by their stakeholders to implement strong ethics within their corporate structure and culture, business literature review example pdf. This expectation could be accomplished through strong ethical leadership, formal structures and regulations that place emphasis on ethics, and by making a commitment to corporate social responsibility. Using these guidelines will help organizations overcome the various challenges allowing the business to build a strong ethical foundation that will ultimately benefit the company through increased customer and employee satisfaction, which could result in increased profits, organizational sustainability and social status.

The review of the literature reveals that there is still plenty of room for exploration on the topic of business ethics and particularly with the topic of ethical leadership.

It is recommended that more focus be placed on understanding the influence of strong ethical leadership within an organization and how this influence flows down the organizational structure. Once this flow of influence is understood, exploration is necessary to identify the best procedures business literature review example pdf developing and sustaining strong influential leadership ethics within the organizational structure. Needs to be more exploration in the topic of ethical leadership Focus on understanding how ethical leadership influences corporate culture and how it flows down the corporate structure Research should attempt to identify the best procedures for developing and sustaining strong influential leadership ethics within the organizational structure.

Over the past few decades many successful, prominent companies have collapsed due to corporate scandals, which resulted not only in the loss of jobs of many employees, but also led to large financial losses of thousands of shareholders. This cascading effect of unethical behavior by company executives led to increased expectations from all stakeholders of an organization.

Stakeholders, who include employees, investors, shareholders, and customers, expect organizations to do more than just maximize the bottom line profit; organizational management is business literature review example pdf to accomplish this goal both legally and ethically, while also implementing some sort of program or policy that seeks to benefit society or the environment at large.

Companies are expected to implement ethics within their organizational structure and culture. This expectation could be accomplished through strong ethical leadership, formal structures, and regulations that place emphasis on ethics, and by making a commitment to corporate social responsibility. Following the implemented ethical procedures and guidelines will help organizations overcome the various ethical dilemmas and challenges, allowing the business to build a strong ethical foundation that will ultimately benefit the company through increased customer and employee satisfaction, which could result in increased profits, organizational sustainability and social status.

A review of the current literature regarding business ethics reveals that am emphasis is placed on defining and understanding business ethics, understanding how ethical leadership is used to implement ethics into an organization, identifying how ethics are integrated into the organizational structural, and finally reviewing the benefits of operating an ethical business. Ethics is a complex construct.

One must first understand what ethics is before understanding the important role it plays in business and leadership. The current literature offers many different definitions for ethics, which will be explored, as well as the various types of ethics and their integrations with business literature review example pdf management and policies.

Racelis further explains that ethics is different from morality in that while morality deals with the principles of right and wrong in general, ethics focuses on the standards of conduct that are generally acceptable to a large group.

Therefore, business literature review example pdf, it is important to note, that ethical behavior focuses on what is good for others rather than on what is good for oneself. Business ethics, therefore; is a branch of applied ethics as it relates to the various business activities of human beings Keller-Krawczyk, Being able to understand and implement good ethical principles into the business setting is key to developing a strong organizational culture nurtured by ethical principles, business literature review example pdf.

Scholars have studied both types of ethics in an attempt to understand how individual and organizational ethics intertwine and connect with one another. Individualistic ethics. The concept of right and wrong is something that is instilled in individuals from the time of their birth. Individuals may learn what it right and wrong from their parents, teachers, religious education, or life experiences. They then take what they learn and create their own personal values which help to shape and develop their individual sense of ethics.

Just as individuals create and develop their own ethical standards, groups of individuals may also develop a shared sense of what is considered ethical. The ethical behavior of an organization is defined by the corporate culture. The culture of an organization defines the behavior patterns of the employees, profoundly influencing their actions and choices in a given situation. Elango et al. The findings of the study conducted by Elango et al.

An important aspect of business ethics is managerial ethics, which refers to the decisions, actions, and behaviors of mangers and whether they are considered right or wrong Daft, Individuals in positions of management must make the decision every day whether or not to act in an ethical manner. As discussed earlier, deciding what is considered right or wrong ethically, is not always black and white.

Many times managers find themselves pushing the limits and entering the grey area of ethics. De Cremer and de Bettignies explain that in the business environment there are many implicit expectations and norms that motivate managers and ultimately may push them to cross the boundaries and behave unethically. Many times competiveness and greed could push managers into the ethical grey area. Many managers believe if they are not doing anything illegal, than they are acting ethically.

This is not always the case; therefore, it is important for managers to understand the difference between laws and ethical standards. Once managers have a fair understanding of what is considered appropriate ethical behavior, they can focus on making good ethical decisions for the organization. Relationship between laws and ethical standards.

Keller-Krawczyk explain that laws are rules of conduct set by a governing body that either requires or prohibits individuals or businesses from performing certain actions. As mentioned previously, it is not uncommon for individuals to believe that if they are operating within the boundaries of the law, then they are behaving ethically.

Unfortunately, there are many actions that may be considered legal, but are not considered ethical. Keller-Krawczyk supports this notion stating that usury charging high interest rates in countries that do not set a legal limit on rates is a good example of a behavior that is legal but also considered unethical.

Business managers must business literature review example pdf to understand the relationship and differences between laws and ethics if they wish to help implement ethics within their organization. Managers are often times aware of the laws and regulations because they are formally written and failure to comply with them will result in some sort of sanctioned punishment, whereas ethical standards are socially construed and failure to comply with these standards is not always punishable under state or federal sanctions.

Although laws and regulations business literature review example pdf different than ethical standards, managers business literature review example pdf to understand how the two can be integrated and used within their organization to help build a solid ethical foundation. Blodgett acknowledges that many philosophers and legal scholars have attempted to explain the complicated business literature review example pdf that exists between laws and ethics and although it is still not easily understood, it is evident that there is indeed a connection between the two.

This idea of substantive ethics and how it could be integrated into the formal corporate structure is discussed in greater depth later in this paper, business literature review example pdf. One of the major tasks of a manger is to make decisions.

The decisions they make not only reflect back on them as an individual, but on the organization as well. Oates and Dalmau point out that the decisions of managers have a far greater impact on the world today as compared to years ago since technology has allowed for the inter-connection of economies. It is obvious that good decision making is an important part of organizational success.

What factors control or influence managerial decision making? Findings business literature review example pdf a study conducted by Elango et al. This means that managers are influenced by their own ethical values and experiences as well as the ethical standards, practices and procedures discerned in their workplace. Choosing to make ethical business literature review example pdf on a daily basis has proven a difficult task for many managers. Managers are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas in the workplace.

Mihelic et al. A topic that is closely related and intertwined with the concept of business ethics is corporate social responsibility CSR, business literature review example pdf. Low and Ang explain that each organization may have their own definition of CSR; however, each of the definitions seems to share common ground and themes.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development offers the following definition of CSR:. Corporate social responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. As evident from this detailed definition, CSR plays an instrumental part in the ethical arena of a business, business literature review example pdf.

Benn, Todd and Pendleton theorize that although the concept of CSR is to benefit the society at business literature review example pdf, the underlying reason for an organization to implement CSR strategies is to satisfy stakeholder expectations.

The authors explain that corporate scandals, business literature review example pdf, fraud and an increase awareness of environmental, social and health concerns has led many stakeholders to lose credibility in corporations Benn et al.

As a way to rebuild credibility and satisfy the interests of stakeholders, many business literature review example pdf are using CSR strategies that seek to create a positive business literature review example pdf on society. An empirical study conducted by Benn et al. Thus, since business ethics and CSR are intrinsically intertwined it is imperative that one understands how ethics and CSR could be incorporated within an organization through leadership, formal structures, and systems.

Just as business literature review example pdf are several different definitions for ethics, there are also many definitions and interpretations of leadership. Likewise, Mihelic et al.

There are many different types and methods of leadership that allow leaders to accomplish their goals and objectives. The main focus of this paper is on value-based and ethical leadership and how these types of leadership are instrumental in promoting ethical behavior among employees within their organization.

Ethics had previously been described as a body of knowledge concerning itself with moral principles that govern the behavior of individuals. Leadership was defined as the act of persuading or influencing individuals toward a desired goal. Similarly, Busch and Wennes explain that value-based leadership focuses on two primary leadership dimensions: 1 ensuring the visibility and meaningfulness of values and 2 generating moral engagement within an organization.

Although many scholars argue that value-based leadership and ethical leadership are synonymous, Morrison and Mujtaba review various studies that acknowledge that while the two types of leadership do tend to overlap, there are also major differences that cannot be ignored.

Taking this into consideration it could be construed that effective ethical leaders are also influential value-based leaders that inspire and enable their followers to make the right choices and adopt the same ethical values embraced by the leader, business literature review example pdf. Viinamaki supports this idea, business literature review example pdf, explaining that value-based leaders carry the responsibilities of setting ethical goals and standards, rewarding those that achieve the desired outcome of ethical conduct, and penalizing anyone that strays from the set ethical values and standards.

In order to comprehend the role ethical and value business literature review example pdf leadership plays in business ethics, it is essential that one first understands why there is a need for ethical leadership and is able to identify the characteristics of an effective and influential ethical leader.

Need for value-based and ethical leaders. Oates and Dalmau point out that the need for ethical leadership is most evident is situations where it is absent. Recent business literature review example pdf scandals such as the collapse of Enron and Arthur Andersen has shed light on the issues of corruption, power and greed revealing that these conditions could wreak havoc on organizations that do not have strong ethical leaders.

Characteristics of ethical leaders. There are many traits and qualities that characterize strong ethical leaders. The most common traits that scholars have attributed to ethical leaders are integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness Mihelic et al. These three traits are necessary in order to build trusting relationships with followers offering credibility and consistency. Other characteristics of ethical leaders include: responsible, fair, business literature review example pdf, humble, encouraging and respectful of others, shows concern for greater good, innovative and courageous Mihelic et al.

An ethical leader should also use values-based leadership to emphasize and strengthen these ethical values within the organizational structure, business literature review example pdf. All the decisions and actions are made in accordance with the beliefs and actions of the ethical leader. Role of ethical leadership in business ethics. Business literature review example pdf definition, leaders persuade or influence their followers toward a desired goal.

One of the main goals of ethical and values-based leadership is to motivate their followers to share and embody the same ethical values that they themselves are portraying. A majority of scholars are in agreement that the ethical conduct of an organization is primarily influenced by the leaders who are business literature review example pdf responsible for creating and enforcing the codes of conduct to be followed by the employees Mihelic et al. The relationship of a leader and follower could be compared to that of a parent and a child.

Parents wishing to teach their child how to behave properly will want to be a good role model for that child by modeling the desired behavior.

How to Write a Literature Review in 30 Minutes or Less

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Example Of A Literature Review | Template Business

business literature review example pdf

4/23/ · HOW TO WRITE A LITERATURE REVIEW. Will G Hopkins PhD. Division of Physiology and College of Bodily Schooling, College of Otago, Dunedin , New Zealand. 1. Introduction. To not be confused with a e book evaluate, a literature evaluate surveys scholarly articles, books and different sources (e.g. dissertations, convention Example of literature critiques from Helen [ ] LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Business Intelligence There is another issue with a great number of definitions; they tend to change after some time, in light of the fact that the way of what they consider changes. This is the situation with BI for instance. Initially, software business engaged with BI, BI used to be comprehended as private Design Thinking, Innovation and Business Incubators – August Design Thinking, Innovation and Business Incubators: A Literature Review Prepared by: Angele Beausoleil, ISGP MA Student Abstract: The importance of innovation in corporate competitiveness and global economic growth has made it a central topic of research over the past decade with a growing recognition that design thinking, as

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